S. K. I. R. T. S. in the Boardroom : A Woman Survival Guide to Success in Business and Life

PAR Marshawn Evans

3,99 $

ÉTAT : Très bon état


En inventaire

In many ways, the business world is still a man’s world. Though women today have more income, more education, more opportunity, and more entrepreneurial drive than ever before, the glass ceiling still exists. But that’s no reason to stop competing. In fact, it should serve as motivation to level the playing field. It’s time to become C-E-O of Y-O-U.

S.K.I.R.T.S. in the Boardroom is a practical, motivational, and inspirational guide that arms a new generation of sassy yet sensible women with the strategies needed to combine confidence and compassion, style and substance, and beauty and brains for unlimited professional success.

S.K.I.R.T.S. stands for Sisterhood, Knowledge, Integrity, Respect, Tenacity and Substance. These are the often-overlooked qualities that extraordinary women require to maximize their potential in business and in life. S.K.IR.T.S. in the boardroom shows you how to develop these qualities and unbeatable business savvy using personal stories, exercices, and real-life examples from author, entertainment attorney and entrepreneur Marshawn Evans.

Evans provides the practical, real-world advice you need to take your career to the next level. And, she does so without forcing you into a masculine corporate mold. Filled with wimsical chapters and interactive career development assessments, S.K.I.R.T.S. in the Boardroom provides business-boosting insight on such topics as developing a purpose-driven career, personal branding, strategic information sharing, gender differences in communication leadership styles, networking, understanding your emotional intelligence, and much more!

Simply wanting success isn’t enough. After all, WANT just means «Waiting, And Nothing Transpires.» This smart and savvy guide reveals how your attitude sets the tone for your relationships and how those relationships determine your ability to influence those around you-a prime ingredient for turning your dreams into reality. Packed with real-world professional guidance and entrepreneurial insight, this is the ultimate guide to being the boss in a man’s world.

Date de parution





Croissance personnelle

Gestion et entrepreneuriat

Livre anglais



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