State of Terror

PAR Hillary Rodham Clinton, Louise Penny

5,99 $

ÉTAT : Très bon état

En rupture d'inventaire

After a tumultuous period in American politics, a new administration has just been sworn in, and, to everyone’s surprise, the President chooses a political enemy for the vital position of Secretary of State.

There is no love lost between the President and Ellen Adams, his new Secretary of State. But it’s a canny move on the part of the President. With this appointment, he has control over one of his harshest critics.

Within weeks of Adam’s appointment, terrorists strike a series of horrific blows. As the State Department is in disarray and disrepute, the new Secretary of State must scramble to figure out what has happened and what will happen next. Adding to the crisis, the previous administration left the country without many friends or allies. America finds itself out of touch with international affairs, out of practice with diplomacy, and out of power in the places where, and when, it counts the most.

Secretary Adams soon realizas the conspiracy is more intricate, the stakes are higher, and the enemies of the state are muche closer than she ever could have imagined.

To fight back, she assembles a surprising team of allies, including her own daughter, a passionate young female foreign service officer, and the Secretary’s closest friend and advisor.

State of Terror is a unique and utterly compelling international thriller cowritten by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 67th Secretary of State, and Louise Penny, a multiple award-winning #1 New York Times bestselling novelist.

Date de parution





Livre anglais

Roman policier



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