140 Characters : A Style Guide for the Short Form

PAR Dom Sagolla

3,99 $

ÉTAT : Bon état

En rupture d'inventaire

How to write short and sweet for the Information Age

The advent of Twitter and other social networking sites, along with the ubiquity of text messaging, have made short-form comunication and constant contact an everyday reality. Expressing yourself clearly in short bursts – particulary within Twitter’s 140 caracters limit – takes special writing skill.

For marketers and business owners, social media and text messaging have become an increasingly important avenue for promoting a business, but you have to be able to get your message out in just a few words. 140 Charaters is the first writing guide specifically dedicated to communicating with customers, colleagues, and contacts with the succinctnes and clarity that the times demand.

Twitter User  #9 Dom Sagolla teaches the lessons of great short-form writing, including the importance of communicating with simplicity, openness and humor. What Strunk and White’s Elements of Style did for traditional media, 140 Characters does for the social media revolution happening today. Inside, you’ll learn all the basics of :

  • Developping your own honest and unique writing style
  • Evolving rules of grammar for the short form
  • Principles of brevity, including tech-speak/leetspeak
  • Avoiding the too-much-information syndrome
  • Mastering the art of the text message
  • Winning techniques for writing poetry, news, fiction, and much more

Date de parution





Gestion et entrepreneuriat

Livre anglais



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