Bob Hope : My Life in Jokes

PAR Bob Hope, Linda Hope

5,99 $

ÉTAT : Très bon état


En inventaire

Bob Hope is one of the greatest figures in history of American show business. his legendary career has spanned the entire twentieth century, from impersonating Charlie Chaplin in front of the firehouse in Cleveland in 1909 to celebrating an unprecedented sisxty years with NBC in 1996. He has entertained millions worldwide with his weekly radio show, in beloved movies such as his »Road Pictures» with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour, and, most notably, in the countless television appearances that made him a superstar and welcome guest in every living room in the country.

Bob celebrates his 100th birthday this year, and to mark the occasion, he shares this extraordinary recollection in the form of his best jokes and comic anecdotes, organized by the stages of his life. Each of the ten chapters corresponds to a decade in Bob’s phenomenal career (and features remarkable photos of him at that age). The end result is a compelling, and hilarious, portrait of the twentieth century’s greatest entertainer – and, ultimately, of the twentieth century itself. Bob Hope is best known as a comedian, and over the course of a lifetime, he has amassed – in his personal »joke file» – thousands of jokes, on such subjects as golf (a lifelong passion for Bob), politicians, the military, movie stars, and much more. Now with the publication of My Life in jokes, readers have the opportunity to enjoy the very best of his humor and, in the process, learn about the amazing life and career of a true national treasure.

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