Waiting for First Light : My Ongoing Battle with PTSD

PAR Roméo Dallaire, Jessica Dee Humphreys

5,99 $

ÉTAT : Très bon état


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In this piercing memoir, Roméo Dallaire, retired general and former senator, the author of the bestsellers Shake Hands with the Devil and They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children, and one of the world’s leading humanitarians, deeply probes his life since the Rwandan genocide.

At the heart of Waiting for First Light is a no-holds-barred self-portrait of a top political and military figure whose nights are invaded by despair, but who at first light faces the day with the renewed desire to make a difference in the world.

Roméo Dallaire, traumatized by witnessing genocide on an imponderable scale in Rwanda, reflects in these pages on the nature of PTSD and the impact of that deep wound on his life since 1994. Though he had been a leader in peace and in war at all levels up to deputy commander of the Canadian Army, his PTSD led to his medical dismissal from the Canadian Forces in April 2000, a blow that almost killed him. But he crawled out of the hole he fell into after he had to take off the uniform, and he has been inspiring people to give their all to multiple missions ever since, from ending genocide to eradicating the use of child soldiers to revolutionizing officer training so that our soldiers can better deal with the muddy reality of modern conflict zones and to revolutionizing our thinking about the changing nature of conflict itself.

Waiting for First Light is a compelling and original account of suffering and endurance. For anyone who has wondered how Dallaire motivates himself and others how Dallaire motivates himself and others to humanitarian work after living through the events he described in his brilliant Shake Hands with the Devil, this book provides the answers.

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